Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Goals... I'm not sure I technically have any. Well, at least not "CrossFit" goals. At one time, I did. Then due to life, things kinda got derailed, and now I'm not so sure where I stand anymore. I mean, I have certain things that I would love to have happen... Snatch 100#? Yes, please! String together pull-ups in sets of 20? Sure! But as far as true goals go... I'm more focused on family, friends, and the world around me. What can I do to improve these aspects of my life? I can be a good role model. I can always try to take the high road. I'm not saying that I'm perfect (I'm completely aware that I'm not even close to perfect!) but if I'm put in a situation where my actions or decisions are questioned, I can always "check" myself. Was my decision made with good intentions? Was it made with a good heart? Is it something that I can be proud of? If the answer to any of these self check questions is "no", I own it. No need in trying to make excuses, I just hope whatever it was is something that others can look past and forgive me.

I can also be my best me. This has been a tough one that I'm still navigating. I always thought I was a good person; always trying to do it all and help others whenever I can. I'm learning that this isn't always a good thing. It comes at a price. Nothing good for me or anyone around me comes from spreading myself too thin. It usually leads to stress, guilt, unrealistic expectations, and sometimes failure. I've been there for the last year or so. I'm just now learning how to say "No", limit my expectations (of myself and others), and to celebrate the most minor of baby steps towards progress. Those baby steps eventually add up to giant leaps. You gotta start somewhere if you want to move forward. Usually the hardest place is at the beginning - choosing to start.

So for the past year, I've been working on cutting back. Focusing my time and energy on the things and people that matter the most. This has included CrossFit in some ways (I'm there multiple times per week, trying my best.) but in other ways, I've let some of CrossFit go. Everyone states that the community is the best part of CrossFit... so much so that it feels like family. In ways, that is true. It is probably a lot of what has kept me coming back for more. The influence of CrossFit family is a true force in the world. I've written about it before.
"The more I thought about it, the more I realized that a lot of my obsession with CrossFit has to do with the relationships that I’ve formed as a result of CrossFit. There’s something amazing about the journey taken together by CrossFitters... We sweat, we share pain, we sometimes bleed, we cry, and occasionally we even carry each other. I’m not saying that we literally pick each other up and carry ourselves around (although in some WODs, we do!) but we “carry” each other. We all have our weaknesses, we all have our insecurities, we all have that “thing” that we’re self concious about. In some weird way, all those “things” have the ability to disappear when we walk into the box if we let them. If you’re ready to embrace your weakness, expose it, and let others “carry” you, your insecurities and weaknesses will disappear. We’re all here to better ourselves in every way, the amazing thing is that we often better each other without even realizing it. While the concept of CrossFit and individual WODs can be done solo in a globo-gym, what sets us apart is the miracle that takes place everytime we hear “3-2-1 Go!”. We work hard for ourselves and often we work harder for those around us. This community has the potential to conquer amazing things when we’re together and improve lives in ways that stretch far beyond imrpoved physical fitness. We actively decide to show up every day to work hard for ourselves AND each other."
It is truly a miracle what we can do when we all come together for a common goal. I urge everyone to to keep in mind how strong we can be as a whole. All inclusive, together, we can do whatever our hearts desire. That's power.

So kudos to everyone out there working on whatever is important to you. If you CrossFit or not! If you're focusing on your grades, being a better husband or wife, whatever! And... when you PR something important to you, please stop by here and let me know. I'd love to celebrate the baby steps you've taken along your journey.

I realize this is a cluster of writing with little focus. Take it for what it is... a cluster. This is me. This is my life at the moment. Chose to love me or don't. Bacon.

Choose to be awesome. 

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